Black-and-white lithograph on paper depicting John the Baptist with scenes from his life. The skete of the Holy Monastery of Iveron on Mount Athos. MATERIAL: Paper; DATE: 19th century. Maybe in Venice, with “subscription” and expenses covered by the priest Parthenios and the monk Paisios from Zakynthos (the information comes from a related inscription at the base of the image, which, however, is not preserved in the copy of the Monastery of Tourliani). DESCRIPTION: a) In the central frame, the Baptist, full body with wings, standing in a landscape next to the Jordan River, blesses and holds a cross, from which a scroll hangs. Inscription: Ο ΑΓΙΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ Ο ΒΑΠΤΙΣΤΙΣ (sic) (SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST), b) Above the image of the Baptist in a rectangular frame is depicted the banquet of Herod with the inscription: Το συμπόσιον του Ηρώδου (The banquet of Herod), c) Below the image of the Baptist is depicted the skete of the Holy Monastery of Iveron on Mount Athos with the inscription: Η Σκήτη του Προδρόμου επάνω του Ιβήρων (The Skete of the Baptist atop Mount Athos). To the left of the image of the Baptist (from top to bottom) are depicted, in small square frames, scenes from the life of the Baptist with the following inscriptions: a) Η σφαγή του Ζαχαρία (The slaughter of Zachariah), b) Ο Άγγελος Ευαγγελίζει τον Ζαχαρίαν (The Angel announces to Zachariah), c) Ο Ασπασμός της Ελισάβετ (The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth), d) Η Γέννησις του Προδρόμου (The Birth of the Baptist), e) Elizabeth flees to the desert (Η Ελισάβετ φεύγει εις την Έρημον), f) The Angel takes the Baptist to the desert (Ο Άγγελος όπου πέρνει (sic) τον πρόδρομον εις την έρημον). To the right of the image of the Baptist (from top to bottom) are depicted, also in small square frames, another six scenes with inscriptions: a) The finding of the Holy Baptist (Η εύρεσης (sic) του τιμίου Προδρόμου), b) A voice crying in the desert (Φωνή βοώντος εν τη ερήμω), c) The Baptism of Christ (Η Βάπτισις του Χριστού), d) Behold the Lamb of God (Ίδε ο Αμνός του Θεού), e) The Baptist reproves Herod (Ο Πρόδρομος ελέγχει τον Ηρώδην), f) The beheading of the Baptist (Η αποτομή του Προδρόμου).