Large cross of the Iconostasis, with the ends of all four arms being trilobed (trefoil-shaped). In the center, the Crucified Christ is painted (with the inscription Ι[Η Σ Ο Υ ]Σ Χ [Ρ ΙΣ Τ Ο ]Σ . Η ΣΤΑ Υ Ρ Ω Σ ΙΣ Τ Ο Υ Χ Ρ ΙΣ Τ Ο Υ). At the end of the upper arm, there is an image of God having a triangular halo upon His Head (with the inscription Ο ΑΝΑΡΧΟΣ ΠΑΤΗΡ). At the end of the left arm, there is an image of the Theotokos (with the inscription Μ [Η Τ Η ]Ρ Θ Ε Ο Υ). At the end of the right arm, there is an image of John the Theologian (with the inscription Ο ΑΓΙΟΣ ΙΩ[ΑΝΝΗΣ] Ο ΘΕΟΛΟΓΟΣ). The cross is surrounded by a simple golden frame without decoration.