A bench with a configuration suitable for church revenues. This particular piece is painted brown on all external surfaces, except for the base which is unpainted, the two legs (which are blue), and the front which features painted ornaments. The decoration includes a simple blue frame; the division of the entire surface into diamonds with embossed-painted intersecting lines; at the intersection points of the lines and in the center of each diamond, there are small protrusions made from an unknown substance (possibly paint); the inside of each diamond features embossed-painted horizontal lines. At the center of the front, there is an image of the prophet Elijah in a medallion, which is separated from the rest of the surface by small protrusions (“drops,” possibly from paint); the prophet Elijah is depicted on a blue background holding a scroll*, his halo bears embossed painted rays and small protrusions (“drops”). On the upper horizontal surface (cover), there is only a simple painted frame around the slot; on the two vertical side surfaces, there is a simple painted frame and a cross with rays in the center; on the rear vertical surface, there are traces of an image of the Theotokos holding the Infant; the two legs feature sculpted decoration (imitation of an animal’s foot).