Πληροφορίες Εκθέματος

  • Holy Chalice (Holy Communion Cup)
  • It is a golden or silver cup with sculpted representations, resting on a wide base, used for the Divine Communion. Inside it, wine is mixed with water. It symbolizes the cup of the Mystical Supper. This particular one is made of gilded silver, enamel, and semi-precious stones, dating back to 1830. It has been constructed using techniques of embossing, hammering, and engraving. It features floral ornaments. At the upper part of the base, four square enamels with a serrated frame, depicting the Passion of Christ: a) the ascent to Golgotha b) the Entombment c) the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (?) d) the imprisonment of Jesus; in all four depictions, inscription: “bc. [c (= Jesus Christ). On the cup, four medallions (three are preserved) with a serrated frame, depicting: a) Christ with the inscription: “bc. [hc (= Jesus Christ) b) John the Baptist with the inscription: Tjfyy ghl (= John the Baptist) c) the Theotokos with the inscription: Μ {ΗΤΗ)Ρ Θ(ΕΟ)Υ (MOTHER OF GOD).

  • Height: 30.00 cm, Width: 14.80 cm, Metallic