It is a metal vessel in which the Eucharist Bread is kept, immersed in the Precious Blood of the Lord for the urgent needs of the Christians who are unable to attend the church. It is prepared on Holy Thursday and dried to be preserved, and when it is to be used, it is moistened with ordinary wine to soften it. The term “Αrtophorion” is also used for the additional box in which the Holy Gifts are stored and kept from the Sunday Liturgy until the day they are used for the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The Large Αrtophorion is placed on the Holy Table. This specific one is made of brass and gilded silver, dating back to between the 19th and 20th centuries. It is intricately embossed in the feet, base, shoots, and Cherub, featuring wrought designs depicting the Theotokos, angels, and the Crucified. It bears floral ornamentation on the feet, single-sided forms of the Theotokos with angels on either side of the Crucified on the base, and a crown at the top of the feet. Two single-sided kneeling angel forms in the middle of the leg height, supporting two Cherubim figures with wires. Between the three feet, there are two blades in the shape of a shoot.