Πληροφορίες Εκθέματος

  • Chirotrikeron (sic)* Dikírion and Trikírion Candlesticks (Dikerotríkera)
  • The Dikirion and Trikirion are Christian ecclesiastical items used in liturgical services. They are compound words from κηρός (candle), δύο (two), and τρία (three), reflecting the number of candles they bear: “two+candles” and “three+candles” respectively. The formation of the two candles symbolizes the dual nature of Jesus Christ, both human and divine. The formation with the three candles pertains to the three persons of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With these, the bishop blesses (seals) the people during the archiepiscopal Divine Liturgy, standing on the highest point of the solea, before the Holy Doors, where he reverently raises them, holding the trikirion in his right hand and the dikirion in his left hand, after the penultimate Trisagion hymn. This particular piece is from the 18th century, made of silver with the middle section silver-gilt. It is hammered, engraved, and perforated. It features three angels in full body which rotate in a radial arrangement.

  • Height: 29.50 cm, Width: 30 cm, Metal